Monday, October 25, 2010

Delayed - Days 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14

Ugh. So I feel like such an awful blog challenge participant because I haven’t gotten to update ANYTHING on time. My sister and brother-in-law were in town from Michigan and brought with them some AMAZING new.

I’m going to be an AUNT!

I’m super excited. We haven’t had a baby in the family since my younger sister (who is turning 21 in less than a month). So obviously I have been spending as much time with them as I possibly could while they were in Orlando. My younger sister came into town from Tampa on Friday and we had a strictly family dinner where they told us about the little Peanut. The next day was the UCF Homecoming game (which they had been planning on coming down for since August (pre-baby). So we had a great time at the game…next Homecoming they’ll be coming with baby in tow! My brother-in-law, Adam, and I have a bet going I think it’s going to be a girl, he says boy. We’ll see!

Sooooo onto my attempt at catching up with the challenge!...

Day 10 – Something You’re Afraid Of

I used to have a lot of fears, over time I have definitely gotten over them.

I think my biggest ones are basically anything that stings – bee, wasp, spider, etc. But that isn’t anything epic. My other fear is of being struck by a car that is running a red light. I love driving and have no intense fear of driving, but just about every time I go through a green light at an intersection I think about a car running a red light and my chest like tenses up. It’s weird.

I used o have this epic fear of being alone for the rest of my life. Never falling in love, everyone dying and me being left along, blah blah blah. But I have definitely gotten over that. I’m not entirely sure how I got over that fear because it was definitely something that I thought about all the time but it’s not so much a big deal to me anymore. I’m not even sure if this fear actually makes any sense, or if the way I’m explaining it makes any sense, but whatever.

Day 11 – Favorite TV Shows

I do not have DVR so I feel like my list of TV shows that I consider a MUST WATCH is definitely a lot smaller than those who have DVR because they can basically watch anything. This list also includes some of my absolute favorites from growing up as well. Not in any particular order I kind of tried to go through networks that I watch frequently.

Grey’s Anatomy
Private Practice
Brothers & Sisters
South Park
Boy Meets World
Gilmore Girls
All seasons of Real World (it is a very sick obsession with my roommates and I)
Jersey Shore
All of the Real Housewives (another sick obsession)
Top Chef
GLEE (I am a recent convert on this one. Never watched the first season but am loving the second season right now)
Secret Life of the American Teenager
Make It or Break It

Day 12 – What You Believe
Recently I have become a firm believer in learning to roll with the punches. You never know what type of balls Life is going to through at you and you just need to learn to live with I, good or bad. Planned or unplanned. You never know what tomorrow is going to have in store for you, and that is what makes life so interesting, the mystery.

Day 13 – Goals

I think my major short term goal right now is to finish my undergrad, which will probably be happening around May 2012, which is exciting and has definitely been something long in the making. Long term would definitely be getting into Grad school somewhere up in the Northeast so I can be closer to my family, and finding a job that allows me to do a lot of traveling. Yes, falling in love would fall in there somewhere, but it’s not necessarily something I have control over, I’ll meet That Guy someday whenever it is right for both him and I.

Day 14 – A Picture You Love

This is a picture of me and all of the active girls of my Kappa Kappa Gamma family. I am a Kappa Alumnae so it was so great to be able to get together with the active girls of the family.

Family 69!

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